
Gvendelen Queen (Eni)

Gvendelen Queen

Was born December, 15, 1999. Weight 2,5 kg.

This dog is acquired by us for further breeding usage and carries in itself bloods of the French kennel "Majodian".

Her father is the multichampion, and the mother descends from known American dogs.

We hope, that her show career will be successful.

"Lesya" (Eni's mother, at left) with "Eni" (at right)

Ch RUS, FIN, EST, LV, LT, 2xBIG De Majodian As De Coeur Ch FIN Jeux Interdiux De Majodian Int. Ch, Ch FIN,FR,EST,SW Heros Eponyme De Majodian
World & Int Ch, Ch FR,GER,BG Destination Tendresse De Majodian
Intrigue Amoureuse De Majodian Int Ch, Ch FR,GER,VDH,BG,FIN,LUX Djebel Amour De Majodian
Gage D'Amour De Majodian
Yorkman Valencia Park Royal Smart Alec Ch Am Dot's Srteet Smart's
Park Royal Revishing Roxanne
Alisa Aura Love Atos Zlota Adaria
Bravura z Chartsego Gay

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Телефон: (495) 337-8854, (916) 387-5790



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